Community Resources and Education

Think Globally, act Locally

It often feels like the world is an isolating, greedy, and hopeless place. I find that most people want to connect, build community, and just do more to help the world around us. We can feel an urgent need to learn and fix every issue that we come into contact with, but that only facilitates hopelessness, powerlessness, and non-action.

Only sustained, collective action can make the change so many of us yearn for. Moreso than ever we need community building and mutual aid. This starts with small individual actions like education and unlearning harm, donating to organizations and causes, using privileges to uplift voices of advocates and those who are marginalized, joining groups and building connections to your local community, participating in or expanding current mutual aid projects, finding a local issue or two and contributing what you can, and so much more. A small action is always better than none.

Below are links and pages to theoretical materials, ideas for mutual aid, and important issues I feel passionate about for those who do not know where to start in connection with community.

Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.
— Toni Morrison

Resources and Education